Wednesday, June 20, 2007

holy god there are still people out there

which i guess means clearing out their stream list isn't a big priority.
But nice to see everybody here. Thanks.

I see a certain Parachuting Playwrite is an early adopter by the way. Video. Nice. Every day in every was i get a little more MySpacey.

I've still been thinking about the whole who were the ITheatre ITcrowd. Never know, might make a good book some day. One of those low cost low print run things that only the people mentioned in it, uni students and young hopefuls ever buy. You know, like performing the unnamable or the pram factory book.

From memory here's who i remember the critics and pundits going bitch spastic about. Aside from our goodselves of course dear readers. Angus Cerini, Lally Katz, Chris Kohn, Ben and Todd, Chris Bendall, the black lung kids, Jane Bodie. Who else did we always hear a lot about?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jah is changing All

Hello dear abandoned and by now non existent readers. I do abandon you for great stretches at a time don’t i. don’t feel bad, I’m sure my closest friends feel the same way, don’t you oh blog readers.

Anyway, Danny hasn’t been out to see any shows for a while cause frankly he just couldn’t be arsed. Not that there weren’t good things going on, though to be fair, not many took his fancy, and not a hell of a lot has really happened in this neck of the woods, well, nothing worth bloggin on.

well, danny feels the need to rant and has decided to grace your deck with his presence.

What’s been going on lately? well, everyone had a great time proving just how hard core and unshockable they were over the pillowman. oh so it was trying so hard to be shocking, and it kept telling you how it was being shocking and I was only shocked at the obvious direction. So what? So it wanted to be shocking. So what if it wasn’t. Would a regular person have a good time watching it? That’s all regular people wanna know. Is it any fun? Everyone’s so serious these days. Relax Australia.

Danny has spoken.

and it struck me suddenly “where the hell has everybody gone?” is it me, of has the intense crowd of people all seeing each others shit and knowing that it was their duty as artists to really let themselves feel what they were feeling totally just up and fucked off?

Some body tell me, if any bodies still out there, who’s the hot young thing right now? No answers from the head please. Who’s the writer/director/company out there who you react to with your gut? That you really wanna work with and wanna fuck.

And whose it been in the past, interesting question. Oh I hope there are a couple of people out there who still read this, I’d like an answer to that. Who’s been the hot young thing since 2000?

Boydy? You’d have to have an opinion on that, surely.

how freaky has the weather been lately? blowing oil tankers up on shore and rolling fog all day over the city.